Useful contact details

We know that starting a new role can be a daunting experience, so we wanted to share a list of all the contacts you should need during your apprenticeship with Arnold Clark.

Early Careers

Your first point of contact should always be our Early Careers team, they will be able to assist with any questions or queries regarding your apprenticeship and they will also be on hand to help solve any issues that may arise.

Early Careers team
Phone number: 0141 406 4868
Email address:
Opening hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30am – 5pm

GTG Training Centres

Please find all our GTG centre contact information below:

GTG Glasgow
Address: 1330 South Street, Glasgow G14 0BJ
Phone number: 0141 950 5600
GTG Edinburgh
Address: 1A Queen Anne Drive,
Lochend Industrial Estate,
Edinburgh EH28 8PL
Phone number: 0131 333 6833
GTG West Midlands
Address: Bearing Drive, Wolverhampton,
West Midlands WV11 3SZ
Phone number: 01902 308090

Opening hours for all GTG centres: Monday – Friday, 8.30am - 5pm.


If you are unable to attend work due to sickness, please ensure you advise us before 10am on the day of your absence.

Training at GTG

If you are training at GTG and require a sick day, please contact the designated reception number for your training centre and ask them to leave a message for your trainer.

Working in branch

If you are working at a branch and require a sick day, please ensure you inform your designated branch.

If you do not know your branch phone number, please visit:


We do have a late policy, but we understand there can be rare times you might be running late due to public transport or traffic. However, if you are going to be late, please phone your designed GTG training centre or branch to notify them. Find your designated GTG information here or, if you do not know your branch number, please visit

Medical appointment

Please make your trainer or mentor aware of your medical appointment in advance; you may also be required to show proof of this. If you must get a last-minute appointment and will be late into work, please contact your branch or, if you are training at GTG, please contact your designated GTG centre to make them aware of this.


At Arnold Clark, we care about your welfare, both throughout your career with us and beyond. That’s why we have lots of resources and support to help you stay well in mind, body and spirit. Our wellbeing hub, Space, offers help and advice for looking after your physical and mental health, as well as financial health. We also work closely with automotive charity Ben to offer further support and AXA PPP to provide our employees with private healthcare. You can find further information on all our resources on our internal app ACE. You will be set up with a username and password for ACE in due course but if you don’t have this already and have any questions on these services, please contact our Early Careers team.

For any wellbeing or welfare issues throughout your time at GTG, there is also a dedicated safeguarding team:

GTG Safeguarding Team
Telephone: 07887293277
Opening hours: Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm
The People Team
Telephone: 0141 648 1390

Additional support requirements

If there are any barriers to your learning or support, please ensure you disclose this with our Early Careers team as soon as possible; you can contact them on 0141 406 4868 or Our team is here to help and just want to ensure you have all the support and assistance in place to successfully complete your apprenticeship – we want to help you on your learning journey!

For anyone who may have any special educational needs, we have a Specialist Skills Practitioner who is qualified and experienced in working with individuals with a variety of needs and barriers to learning, and they will be on hand to assist. Individuals are supplied with support cards throughout their training which can be viewed by trainers and assessors to help you throughout your time at GTG.

For any issues regarding your online portfolios, you can contact

GTG Department Heads

If you have any issues while at our GTG training centre, please feel free to speak to our department heads below. You can find our managers in the centre or you can ask at reception for them to contact you.

GTG Glasgow Department Heads
Iain Wallace Automotive Training Manager
John McCulloch Automotive Training Manager
GTG Edinburgh Department Head
Jim Hendry Automotive Training Manager