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Arnold Clark is proud to support the Great Scottish Run

The Great Scottish Run is taking place in Glasgow this weekend.

Runners at last year's Great Scottish Run.

Runners at last year's Great Scottish Run.

Arnold Clark is the official vehicle supplier to The Great Run Company and a number of our staff are taking part in the various events over the Great Scottish Run weekend. We caught up with a few of them to find out more about their training and motivation.

Mark Sinclair, Parts Advisor at Perth Renault/Dacia is taking part in the half marathon on behalf of the charity Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre (RASAC) Perth & Kinross.

He told us why, saying: ‘My wife works there and with every day that goes past I get a first-hand view at how hard they work and how harrowing some days can be. Having just turned 32 and on the brink of a beer belly I thought I'd test myself with my first distance run in a long time and try to raise some cash for what is in my view, a very worthy charity.

He continued; ‘If we manage to hit the £500 target I'll also be shaving my hair off – there's nearly 20 inches of it – and donating that to the Little Princess Trust as well; plenty of incentive for everyone to dig deep and donate as much as they can. At the moment, I've raised £230 and with payday looming large I'm confident I'll be bald come Sunday!’

Mark’s been training hard for the event. He said, ‘The training has been fine, I know the course in Glasgow to be one of the less challenging of runs in Scotland but at the same time I've not done distance running for a couple of years so it'll likely be a struggle as I tend to put way too much effort into the start of these things and end up gassing at the last 3 or 4 miles.’

The Great Scottish Run is held over Saturday and Sunday in Glasgow and features a 10k, half marathon and Super Saturday, where the kids can get involved.

Caroline Young, Assistant Service Manager at Garscube Road is taking part in the half marathon. She told us why she’s getting involved, ‘I’m doing the Great Scottish Run for the Brightest Star, as it’s a charity close to my heart.

Her training and the thought of raising money for a good cause will get her through, she told us: ‘My training has consisted of my normal boxing training and going out running with my friends. I am not the strongest runner but being able to do something for charity and giving back to others makes it worthwhile.’

Andrew Moir, Content Executive, is taking part in the 10k. He was inspired to run after Arnold Clark gave away free places to staff: ‘I used to do a bit distance running when I was younger and when Arnold Clark offered the opportunity, I thought it seemed like a good way to get a little fitter and give a little back.’

Andrew is running for Parkinson’s UK, a charity that’s helped his family. He told us: ‘They provide great support and information for those suffering from Parkinson’s. My mum was diagnosed with the condition last year and that’s required a bit of adjustment. I can’t do much but by fundraising, I can help raise a little money to help the charity continue doing its great work.’

We’ll be there on the day at our cheer zone along the race route to give everyone some well-deserved support. We wish all the runners of the Great Scottish Run this weekend the best of luck!

About the Author

Nicole Ferguson

Staff writer at Arnold Clark.
